Edward H Lindsey, Jr.


Legal Law Firms


Dentons is a global law firm driven to provide you with the competitive edge in an increasingly complex and interconnected marketplace. We were formed by the March 2013 combination of international law firm Salans LLP, Canadian law firm Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP (FMC) and international law firm SNR Denton. In June 2015, McKenna Long & Aldridge merged with Dentons US, expanding our capabilities and geographic reach in the US. Dentons is built on the solid foundations of these highly regarded law firms. Each built its outstanding reputation and valued clientele by responding to the local, regional and national needs of a broad spectrum of clients of all sizes?individuals; entrepreneurs; small businesses and startups; local, regional and national governments, and government agencies; and mid-sized and larger private and public corporations, including international and global entities. Now clients benefit from 3,000 lawyers and professionals in more than 80 locations spanning 50-plus countries across Africa, Asia Pacific, Canada, Central Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Russia, CIS and the Caucasus, the UK, and the US, all of whom are committed to challenging the status quo to offer creative business and legal solutions. Dentons provides access to top-tier legal talent with experience in 24 sectors and 39 practices


Mr. Edward Lindsey Jr.

Davina Brees
Legal Secretary

Mr. Mark Burkhalter
Senior Strategic Advisor & Independant Consultant

Ms. Sharon Gay Esq.

Mr. Jeff Haidet

Tricia Nay
Legal Secretary

Paula Valentine
Assistant to Jeff Haidet

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