Delta Air Lines, Inc.




You love to travel. We love taking you there! Delta flies to more than 350 destinations on 6 continents, serving more than 160 million passengers each year. It's an important job, that's why we have 70,000 dedicated employees who are up to the task every day, on every flight. What started as a humble, little aerial crop dusting operation called Huff Daland Dusters in 1924 has now grown into one of the world's largest global airlines, helping more than 160 million travelers.get to the places they want to go to each year.

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Katie Brown
Program Leader, Community Engagement

Mr. Ed Bastian

Ms. Michelle Gallagher
Community Engagement

Ms. Jane Hammock
Executive Assistant to Ed

Mr. Tad Hutcheson
Managing Director, Community Engagement

Ms. Teresita Villoch
Assistant to VP Community Affairs

David Werner
Director, Government Affairs

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